Switching & Routing

Switches can be a valuable asset to networking. Overall, they can increase the capacity and speed of your network. However, switching should not be seen as a cure-all for network issues. we’ll describe how switches work, and how they can both harm and benefit your networking strategy. We’ll also discuss different network types, so you can profile your network and gauge the potential benefit of network switching for your environment.

Switches can connect different network types (such as Ethernet and Fast Ethernet) or networks of the same type. Many switches today offer high-speed links, like Fast Ethernet, which can be used to link the switches together or to give added bandwidth to important servers that get a lot of traffic. A network composed of a number of switches linked together via these fast uplinks is called a “collapsed backbone” network.

Routing Boost your agility and broaden your revenue stream with Ethernet core and edge routers. Increase your programmatic control. These highly reliable and secure performers meet your ever-growing demands for bandwidth. And they deliver—at the industry’s lowest price per port.

  • ransform your network fast.
  • Deliver high-value, cloud-based services.
  • Transition seamlessly to real-world.

Routers Lightning speed and scalability make the entire family of Ethernet routers ideal for enterprise, data center, and service provider computing environments.

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